Siren Coverage
The City of Weston’s emergency siren is an important tool to alert citizens to potential threats against life and property. The siren is located at the Weston Community Center, 117 Main Street.
Siren Testing
The siren system is tested on the first Wednesday of every month at noon for 90 seconds, weather permitting. If severe weather is in the forecast, sirens will not be activated unless there is an actual emergency. This is done so citizens are certain the activation is real and not a test.
Situations for which the siren may be activated
The siren is an “ALL-HAZARD” warning system, which means it can be activated to warn citizens of a variety of threats in addition to severe weather
- Tornadoes
- Flash floods
- Damaging winds OR winds in excess of 70mph
- Reported hail of 1.25” in diameter or greater
- National security or environmental threats
What does the Siren Sound Like?
When the siren is activated for testing purposes, you will hear a 90-second cycle consisting of an eight second increasing tone followed by an eight second decreasing tone.
During a real situation, you will hear a constant tone lasting for three (3) minutes.
What to Do When You Hear the Siren
- In homes: Take cover in an interior room of the house, on the lowest floor, such as a closet or bathroom, or under sturdy furniture. Stay away from windows, and do not attempt to open windows. Cover yourself with pillows or blankets to protect against flying debris.Use bicycle or motorcycle helmets if available.
- In mobile homes: Mobile homes and trailers are particularly susceptible to overturning. When strong winds or tornadoes are imminent, seek shelter in a substantial building.
- In schools, hospitals and shopping centers: Move to pre-designated shelter areas. Interior hallways on the lowest floor are best. If the building is not of reinforced construction, go to a nearby one that is. Stay out of auditoriums, gyms and other structures with long, wide, span-free roofs.
- In your car: Do not try to outrun a tornado. Leave your car and take shelter in a substantial building. When in the open seek shelter and lie flat in the nearest ditch or depression until the tornado passes. Cover your head with your hands.
- Do not call 9-1-1 unless you have an emergency.
- Do not stay outside to try and see a tornado; thunderstorms produce a lot of rain and often times tornados can be wrapped in rain and almost invisible.
Did you Know?
A Tornado Watch means that conditions exist which make tornado development possible. Keep a watchful eye on the sky for threatening weather, and stay tuned to the radio, television or NOAA Weather radio for the latest information.
A Tornado Warning means a tornado has been sighted or indicated by weather radar. People in the path of the storm should seek shelter immediately, preferably on the lowest level of a substantial building.
Non-Severe Weather Events
When you hear the siren and there is no severe weather threat (other than at a schedule test time), immediately go indoors tune to local news or radio to learn what actions you need to take. Follow all directions given by authorities during an emergency situation.
When thunderstorms approach
If you can hear thunder, you are close enough to the storm to be struck by lightning. Go to a safe location immediately.
Get out of boats and away from water
Telephone lines and metal pipes can conduct electricity. Use telephones only in an emergency
Do not take a bath or shower
Turn off air conditioners; power surges from lightning can overload the compressors