August 9, 2022

Consider and act upon minutes of the July 12, 2022 Regular City Council meeting and the July 7 and July 19, 2022 Special Called Meetings
Consider and act upon the financial report for July 2022
Consider and act upon Ordinance 2022-08-01 authorizing a budget amendment for a municipal purpose as authorized by Texas Local Government Code Section 102.010
Consider and act upon the final Agreement for Fire Protection Services (Whitworth)
Consider and act upon City’s capabilities under adopted International Fire Code Section 507 (Richardson)
Order of Election for November 8, 2022 General Election for the purpose of electing three (3) council seats.
City Planner Presentation – Honeycreek Venetian, LLC zoning request from Agricultural to Multi-Family 3 to construct 111 HUD multifamily living units
Discussion – Budget schedule/process (Mayor/Richardson)
Report/Discussion - Election dates and process for filing for a place on the General Election ballot (Whitworth)
CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION (Mayor/Whitworth) § 551.071. Consultation with Attorney. The City Council may convene in executive session to conduct a private consultation with its attorney on any legally posted agenda item, when the City Council seeks the advice of its attorney about pending or contemplated litigation, a settlement offer, or on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the provisions of Chapter 551, as follows:
a. Honeycreek Venetian, LLC Specific Use Permit for the Venetian Laguna
b. Honeycreek Venetian, LLC zoning request from Agricultural to Multi-Family 3 to construct 111 HUD multifamily living units
c. Megatel Homes III, LLC and Honeycreek Venetian LLC v City of Weston – 471st Judicial District Court, Collin County Texas, Cause 471-00546-2022
d. Honeycreek Venetian LLC v. City of Weston, Texas and Mayor Jim Marischen in his official capacity – District Court of Collin County Texas, Cause 471-02239-2022
e. Venetian 141 Swisher, LLC v. City of Weston, Texas and Mayor Jim Marischen in his official capacity – United States District Court for the Eastern District of Texas Sherman Division, Case 4:22-cv-00552
f. Consider and discuss with the City Attorney possible settlement offer from Venetian Honeycreek regarding the lawsuits described above.
Consider and act upon Resolution 2022-08-01 to schedule two (2) Regular Council Meetings (2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 6:30pm) each month for the foreseeable future (Whitworth)
Consider and act upon options for Main Street in the downtown area such as a Multiple Use Agreement with TXDOT, rumble strips, bike trail, public parking, and guardrails. (Whitworth/Richardson)
Discussion – Requiring all City related meetings (in-person or telephonically) to be posted when scheduled on one calendar accessible by Mayor, Councilmembers and City Secretary. (Richardson/Wilson)
Discussion – Requirements for hiring consultants (Richardson)
Discussion – Prohibiting boarding over windows and doors in SRR zoning (downtown area) (Wilson)
Discussion - Condemnation of structures in Weston (Wilson)
Discussion – Potential violations of the City’s Outdoor Sign Regulations Ordinance 2018-03-01, and failure to submit required sign permit applications for commercial no parking signs on Main Street in Weston. (Hill)